Charles Darwin (4)
On the Origin of Species
by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
2023 || Paperback || Charles Darwin || The Greek School Publishing House
Embark on a groundbreaking voyage through the pages of "On the Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin, a timeless masterpiece that shook the foundations of science and forever altered our understanding of life on Earth. In this riveting exploration, Darwin unveils the awe-inspiring theory of natural selection, a revolutionary concept that explains the intricate web of life through the lens of adaptation and survival.
Join Darwin on an intellectual adventure as he meticulously lays out the evide...
vandaag verzonden
On the Origin of Species
2024 || Paperback || Charles Darwin || Readerlink Distribution Services, LLC
morgen verzonden
On the Origin of Species
By Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
2024 || Paperback || Charles Darwin || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
Before the "Origin of Species", accepted thinking held that life was the static and perfect creation of God. By a single, systematic argument Darwin called this view into question. This edition includes brief biographies of some of the most important scientific thinkers leading up to and surrounding the "Origin of Species".
morgen verzonden
On the origin of species (Heruitgave)
or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life
2016 || Paperback || Charles Darwin || Calbona Uitgeverij
the Origin of Species continues to be as controversial today as when it was first published.
On the Origin of Species is instantly and persistently controversial, the concept of natural selection transformed scientific analysis about all life on Earth. Before the Origin of Species , accepted thinking held that life was the static and perfect creation of God. By a single, systematic argument Darwin called this view into question. His ideas have affected public perception of everything from re...