Geen verdere filters gevondenCarel Jansen (1)
Carel Jansen (1952) is emeritus hoogleraar Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen. Hij werkte als wetenschappelijk medewerker in Twente, als hoofddocent in Utrecht en als hoogleraar in Eindhoven, Nijmegen en Groningen. Jansen werkte als auteur o.a. mee aan Professioneel Communiceren, de Handleidingenwijzer, de Formulierenwijzer en Communicate as a Professional, de Engelstalige versie van Leren Communiceren (7e druk).
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Communicate as a Professional
2019 || Paperback || Carel Jansen e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
Across a wide range of programs in international higher education, students prepare themselves for a career in their professional field. Learning how to communicate as a professional is an essential part of that preparation.
In order to carry out their communication tasks, professionals must possess a large repertoire of knowledge and skills. They also must be able to decide what best suits the situation and the goals they want to achieve. Already during their training, students come across ...