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Resultaten (48)
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Latin American Political Culture: Public Opinion and Democracy
2023 || Paperback || Booth || CQ Press
Analysing data on eighteen countries, this book systematically and comparatively evaluates norms, attitudes, and opinions concerning democracy and its consolidation and presents readers with a pan-Latin American examination of the region's contemporary political culture.
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Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Chen || CQ Press
Using budgets from all levels of government, as well as from non-profit organizations, this text brings together scores of exercises that will take students through the process of public budgeting, from organizing data, all the way through to analysis and presentation.
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Governing States and Localities: The Essentials
2023 || Paperback || Smith || CQ Press
Trusted and proven text employs a comparative approach to show how the geography, history, political culture, institutional structures, economic underpinnings, and demographics of states and localities both clash and converge.
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Public Human Resource Management: Problems and Prospects / Druk 6
2023 || Paperback || Kearney || CQ Press
Edited by two senior public human resource management scholars, this well-regarded edited volume gathers concise essays by major scholars on critical issues in the field of contemporary public human resources management.
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Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts
2020 || Paperback || Evan M. Berman e.a. || CQ Press
Known for its brevity and student-friendly approach, this book remains one of the most popular introductory books on statistics for public policy and public administration students, using carefully selected examples tailored specifically for them.
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Politics and Public Policy / Druk 4
2023 || Paperback || Baumer || CQ Press
Helps students understand the larger patterns of the policy making process in the US.
The Political Speechwriter's Companion
A Guide for Writers and Speakers
2019 || Paperback || Robert A. Lehrman e.a. || CQ Press
Can you really learn to write speeches? The Political Speechwriter's Companion guides students through a systematic "LAWS" approach (language, anecdote, wit, and support) that politicians can use to persuade their audiences into taking action. In the highly anticipated Second Edition, esteemed speechwriter and author Robert A. Lehrman has teamed up with one of the "go-to-guys" for political humor, Eric Schnure, to offer students an entertaining yet practical introduction to political speechwr...
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Introducing Comparative Politics - International Student Edition / Druk 6
concepts and Cases in Context
2024 || Paperback || Stephen Orvis e.a. || CQ Press
Organized thematically around important questions in comparative politics—who rules? what explains political behavior? where and why?—Introducing Comparative Politics integrates a set of extended case studies of 11 countries that vividly illustrate issues in cross-national context. The cases are placed within the chapters where they make the most sense —not separated from the theory or in a separate volume—helping students make connections between theory and practice earlier in the se...
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Managing Urban America / Druk 8
2023 || Paperback || England || CQ Press
Guides students through the politics of urban management-doing less with more while managing conflict, delivering goods and services, responding to federal and state mandates, adapting to changing demographics, and coping with economic and budgetary challenges.
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Judges on Judging: Views from the Bench / Druk 5
2023 || Paperback || O'Brien || CQ Press
Thoroughly revised and updated for this Fifth Edition, Judges on Judging offers insights into the judicial philosophies and political views of those on the bench.