Resultaten (8)
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Academia Gerhard Richter: artist-educator
Studies in art-based learning
2017 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press
'Ema (Nude on a staircase)' pulls the reader into the mind of Ema, the young woman descending the staircase in Gerhard Richter's 1966 painting, 'Ema'. Ema is a young artist who wants to discover what her greatest form of creativity is. She embarks on a journey of awakening, a quest for mastery that brings her into dialogue with her teachers and with her great mentors, the artists Gerhard Richter, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage. Ema explores her field, finds her own voice, considers the world an...
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ArtEZ Academia Letting art teach
art education after Joseph Beuys
2017 || Hardcover || Gert J.J. Biesta || ArtEZ Press
In this book, Gert Biesta presents a new approach to contemporary art education by showing the unique possibilities the arts offer to establish a dialogue with the world around us. This approach to art education is based on teaching as a process of showing, where the teacher shows the student what could be good, important or meaningful to master in the world. As a starting point for illustrating this method, the book proposes 'How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare' (1965) by Joseph Beuys, wh...
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Een ruimtelijke verkenning van designonderzoek tussen ik-wij-doe(n)-denk(en)
een ruimtelijke verkenning van designonderzoek tussen ik-wij-doe(n)-denk(en)/Exploring the space for design research between I-we-do-think
2017 || Paperback || Jeroen van den Eijnde || ArtEZ Press
Authored by Jeroen van den Eijnde, professor of product and interior design at ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, this book explores how scientific thinking and artisanal making are inextricably linked. Based on the fact that the regulations at some universities in the Netherlands make it possible to obtain a doctoral degree with artistic work, this book discusses both Van den Eijnde's views on the type of research he advocates in an art college and why this type of research by artistically moti...
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1:12 Verbeeldingskracht in Zorgarchitectuur
architecten bouwen voor kinderen
2017 || Paperback || Peter Masselink e.a. || ArtEZ Press
Achttien architecten gingen de uitdaging aan om een hedendaags poppenhuis te ontwerpen met als uitgangspunt de beleving van de werkelijkheid door kinderen met een beperking. Alle architecten kwamen met een eigen antwoord in de vorm van poppenhuizen die kinderen met een energiestofwisselingsziekte nieuwe speelmogelijkheden bieden, die de wereld in hun bed brengen of door middel van een krachtig beeld laten zien wat het hebben van een dergelijke ziekte betekent. Vanzelfsprekende ruimtelijke ord...
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ArtEZ Academia De gestiek van de architectuur
leerboek hedendaags maniërisme
2017 || Paperback || Frans Sturkenboom || ArtEZ Press
Veel hedendaagse architectuur kenmerkt zich door een grote beweeglijkheid. Architecten stellen hierbij in plaats van de ruimte het vlak centraal. Vloeren veranderen in wanden en gaan over in daken. Gevels verspringen en ontwikkelen een eigen diepte. Architectuur als metamorfose. Frans Sturkenboom noemt dit 'gebarende architectuur', ofwel 'gestiek van de architectuur'. Dit boek laat zien dat deze hedendaagse tendens in de architectuur voortkomt uit het historische maniërisme, dat ook de beweg...
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ArtEZ Academia Ema (nude on a staircase)
studies in Art-Based learning
2017 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press
'Ema (Nude on a staircase)' pulls the reader into the mind of Ema, the young woman descending the staircase in Gerhard Richter's 1966 painting, 'Ema'. Ema is a young artist who wants to discover what her greatest form of creativity is. She embarks on a journey of awakening, a quest for mastery that brings her into dialogue with her teachers and with her great mentors, the artists Gerhard Richter, Marcel Duchamp and John Cage. Ema explores her field, finds her own voice, considers the world an...
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ArtEZ Academia The desire of the medium
2017 || Hardcover || Marc Boumeester || ArtEZ Press
Most of Marc Boumeester's thinking falls under affect theory, a philosophy of a new generation, which in its turn is fueled by Deleuzian scholarship. Boumeester formulates new and contemporary concepts that can be put into action in art and design education through an operational style called "intensive thinking". In the book, many interesting examples of educational programmes and works of art are accompanied by images relating to how this theoretical approach can be applied in art and desig...
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ArtEZ Academia Theory Arts Practices
2017 || Paperback || Marijn de Langen e.a. || ArtEZ Press
Theoretical concepts are important in contemporary art practice. The ongoing and fascinating discussion of exactly what role theory should play, and the influence of theory on art practice, are at the heart of this collection. By presenting the seemingly simple question 'Why, what and how theory?' to a range of people who are involved in international art education in the realm of fine art and performing art, this book provides an inventory of current opinions in this area.