Resultaten (17)
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Whistleblowers: The Lifeblood of Democracy
2023 || Paperback || Jemimah Steinfeld || SAGE
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Tekstanalyse / Druk 5
Methoden en toepassingen
2023 || Paperback || Joyce Karreman e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum
Sluit deze tekst wel aan bij de gestelde doelen? Hoe samenhangend is de tekst? Welke overtuigingsmiddelen worden ingezet? Is de argumentatie wel aanvaardbaar? Wanneer wordt informatie een verhaal? Hoe conventioneel is deze tekst? Al dit soort vragen komen aan bod in Tekstanalyse.
Dit handboek behandelt zes methoden waarmee teksten geanalyseerd en geëvalueerd kunnen worden: functionele analyse, coherentieanalyse, retorische analyse, argumentatieanalyse, narratieve analyse en genreanalyse. Dez...
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Taalplezier in stukjes
2023 || Paperback || Rob Tempelaars || Instituut voor de Nederlandse taal
Rob Tempelaars is al 36 jaar woordenboekmaker aan het Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (INT). Deze taalfanaat in hart en nieren heeft in de loop der jaren talloze vermakelijke ‘stukjes’ geschreven voor websites, boeken, tijdschriften en de taalkalenders van Onze Taal. Dit is daaruit bloemlezing.
Leer er een paar scheldwoorden bij (gleuffiesrijer!) en hoe je wat vrolijke variatie kunt aanbrengen in je verwensingen (krijg de polio aan je jodokio!). Lees over Casanova Knut, Ponnie Kammen e...
Languages of the World / 4th edition
An Introduction
2023 || Paperback || Asya Pereltsvaig || Cambridge University Press
Are you curious to know what all languages have in common and how they differ? Do you want to find out how language can be used to trace different peoples and their past? Now in its fourth edition, this fascinating book guides beginners through the rich diversity of the world's languages. It presupposes no background in linguistics, and introduces key concepts with the help of problem sets, end-of-chapter exercises and an extensive bibliography. It is illustrated with detailed maps and charts...
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Digital Migration
2023 || Paperback || Koen Leurs || SAGE
A comprehensive and impassioned account of the relationship between digital technology and migration. From 'top-down' governmental and corporate shaping of the migrant condition, to the 'bottom-up' of digital practices helping migrants connect, engage and resist.
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Balzac et la Petite Tailleuse chinoise
2023 || Paperback || Dai Sijie || Gallimard
Nous nous approchâmes de la valise. Elle était ficelée par une grosse corde de paille tressée, nouée en croix. Nous la débarrassâmes de ses liens, et l'ouvrîmes silencieusement. A l'intérieur, des piles de livres s'illuminerent sous notre torche électrique ; les grands écrivains occidentaux nous accueillirent a bras ouverts : a leur tete, se tenait notre vieil ami Balzac, avec cinq ou six romans, suivi de Victor Hugo, Stendhal, Dumas, Flaubert, Baudelaire, Romain Rolland, Rousseau,...
The Devil's Dictionary
2023 || Paperback || Ambrose Bierce || The Devil's Publishing House
The Devil's Dictionary is a satirical lexicon by Ambrose Bierce. The book offers humorous and ironic definitions of various words and phrases, often presenting a cynical view of human nature and society. Bierce's entries are often dark and biting, and he takes aim at everything from politics and religion to love and marriage.
Bierce's definitions are often intentionally exaggerated or contradictory, highlighting the absurdities and inconsistencies of language and society. For example, he defi...
A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics / 7th edition
2023 || Paperback || David Crystal e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The fully updated new edition of the essential single-volume reference, covering the full fields of linguistics and phonetics
Now in its seventh edition, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics remains the definitive resource work for students of linguistics and phonetics. Originally created by David Crystal and revised for the new seventh edition with Alan C. L. Yu, this dictionary features a wealth of new entries by a team of experts in phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, sociolingui...
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Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology = Humanidades Digitales, Corpus y Tecnología del Lenguaje
A look from diverse case studies = Una mirada desde diversos casos de estudio
2023 || Paperback || Andrés Grajales Ramírez e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology: A look from diverse case studies is an outstanding collection of research contributions that explores the intersection of technology and the humanities. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of how these technologies can enhance research across various disciplines, from literature to history to anthropology. This book is a mustread for anyone interested in future research in the humanities. Digital Humanities, Corpus, and Language Tec...
Mittelpunkt Neu B2/C1
Textsorten fur Studium und Beruf B2/C1
2023 || Paperback || Ilse Sander || Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart
Textsorten für Studium und Beruf
Intensivtrainer mit Audio-CD
Trainiert gezielt den schriftlichen und mündlichen Ausdruck
Erläutert die Merkmale von Textsorten wie Mitschrift, Projektbericht, Hausarbeit, Präsentation, Referat und Diskussion
Übt Schritt für Schritt die Erstellung von Texten von der Vorbereitung bis zum fertigen Text
Enthält zahlreiche Übungen für den Einsatz passender Redemitte und Formulierungen
Auch unabhängig von Mittelpunkt...