Resultaten (18)
maandag verzonden
Virginia Government
Institutions and Policy
2013 || Paperback || Peaslee || SAGE
Virginia Government offers an excellent introduction to the political institutions, actors, and policy processes of the Old Dominion state.
maandag verzonden
Social Work with People with Learning Difficulties
2021 || Paperback || Paul Williams e.a. || SAGE
Part of the Transforming Social Work Practice series, this title is written specifically to support students on the social work degree. It is full of practical activities, case studies and opportunities for students to critically reflect and explore theory and practice.
Food Politics / Revised 2nd Edition
What Everyone Needs to Know (R)
2013 || Paperback || Robert Paarlberg || Oxford University Press
The politics of food is changing fast. In rich countries, obesity is now a more serious problem than hunger. Consumers once satisfied with cheap and convenient food now want food that is also safe, nutritious, fresh, and grown by local farmers using fewer chemicals.
Heavily subsidized and underregulated commercial farmers are facing stronger push back from environmentalists and consumer activists, and food companies are under the microscope. Meanwhile, agriculturalsuccess in Asia has spurred ...
Introducing Globalization
Ties, Tensions, and Uneven Integration
2013 || Paperback || Matthew Sparke || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Designed specifically for introductory globalization courses, Introducing Globalization helps students to develop informed opinions about globalization, inviting them to become participants rather than just passive learners. Identifies and explores the major economic, political and social ties that comprise contemporary global interdependencyExamines a broad sweep of topics, from the rise of transnational corporations and global commodity chains, to global health challenges and policies, to i...
maandag verzonden
Effectively Managing and Leading Human Service Organizations
2021 || Paperback || Ralph Brody e.a. || SAGE
A highly practical book for courses on human service/social work administration which takes students through the nuts and bolts of managing a human service agency.
maandag verzonden
Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Election?
2013 || Paperback || Wayne || Cq Pr
Tackling the disparity between the ideal and the practical, this text addresses the challenges of the American election system
maandag verzonden
Controversies in Globalization
Contending Approaches to International Relations
2013 || Paperback || Peter M Haas e.a. || SAGE
In this reader 15 pairs of scholars and practitioners address current and relevant questions in international relations through brief "yes" and "no" pieces
maandag verzonden
Social Development
Theory and Practice
2013 || Paperback || Midgley || SAGE
Featuring definitions, theoretical debates, coverage of social development practice, and discussion of future challenges, this key new text introduces students to all aspects of Social Development studies
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History / 9th edition
Pearson New International Edition
2022 || Paperback || Joseph Nye e.a. || Pearson
Written by celebrated scholar Joseph Nye and new co-author David Welch, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation is a concise and penetrating introduction to world politics in an era of complex interdependence. This text employs lessons from theory and history to examine conflict and cooperating among global actors and thus to provide readers with a durable analytical framework. From twentieth and twenty-first century wars to global finance and global governance, Understanding Global Con...
Kirk's Fire Investigation: Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Stephen Robbins e.a. || Pearson
Text only. This product does NOT include a MyFireKit Access Code Card. To purchase the text with a MyFireKit Access Code Card, please use ISBN: 0-13-283000-0 Organized into 17 chapters with completely updated color photographs and accompanied by supporting appendices, this seventh edition, written to the FESHE curriculum, instructs the reader on the skills needed in fire investigation, delving into topics such as fire-related deaths and injuries, fire behavior and sources of ignition.