Resultaten (13)
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Dieric Bouts - Creator of images
creator of images
2023 || Hardcover || Peter Carpreau || Hannibal Books
A contemporary view of the masterly works of Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts (ca. 1410/20-75) is one of the most elusive figures in the history of Western art. Flemish primitive of the second generation, painter of silence – such are the labels that are usually attributed to him. But was the Master of Brabant not more than that?
This book, published in association with the exhibition, DIERIC BOUTS. Creator of Images, at M Leuven, attempts to get closer to this enigmatic figure. Dieric Bouts had b...
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Permeke (ENG)
2024 || Paperback || Hannibal Books
A new look at Constant Permeke
Although the work of Belgian artist Constant Permeke (1886–1952) is generally classified as Expressionism, he explored a multitude of registers. From the very beginning of his career, Permeke gained widespread international recognition with recurring subjects such as domestic scenes and people engaged in everyday activities. His landscapes and seascapes exude a hushed, sometimes sublime warmth.
For Permeke, art and life were closely linked. His oeuvre shimmers...
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The Avant-Garde in Georgia (1900-1936)
2023 || Hardcover || Nana Kipiani e.a. || Hannibal Books
A short but flourishing era of Avant-Garde in Georgia brought back to life
In the turbulent global context following the fall of the Russian Empire and the October Revolution, Georgia declared its independence in 1918. Between then and the beginning of Soviet rule in 1921, an Avant-Garde creative scene burgeoned. Artists met, mainly in the many taverns and cafés in Kutaisi and the capital Tbilisi, to organise multidisciplinary events. Their frequent collaborations and interactions, which bor...
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Phoebus Focus XXXIV: vase of flowers with vanitas symbols
Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606-1684) on the boundary between tradition and innovation
2023 || Paperback || Sven van Dorst || Hannibal Books
Phoebus Focus XXXIVLet yourself be captivated by the floral splendour of Vase of Flowers with Vanitas Symbols by Jan Davidsz. De Heem (1606-1684). De Heem belongs to the canon of Dutch Baroque painting and astonishes everyone with the refined painting technique with which he creates his flower still lives. Through historical sources and material-technical research, you will be introduced to the flourishing seventeenth century and the exuberant and colourful Baroque painting of the time.
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David Claerbout, Works
The Silence of the Lens
2022 || Hardcover || David Claerbout e.a. || Hannibal Books
Langverwachte monografie van videokunstenaar David Claerbout
In een gesprek met Jonathan Pouthier, filmcurator van het Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou (Parijs, Frankrijk), reflecteert videokunstenaar David Claerbout voor het eerst in de diepte over zijn werk van de afgelopen tien jaar in relatie tot actuele discussies over fotografie, film en het virtuele. The Silence of the Lens biedt een unieke inkijk in het maakproces van recente videowerken als The Close, Aircraft (F.A.L....
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Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration
28 Years of Collaboration
2022 || Hardcover || Mark Manders || Hannibal Books
Diepgaand overzicht van het oeuvre van kunstenaar Mark Manders
Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration biedt een overzicht van de langdurige samenwerking tussen kunstenaar Mark Manders (°1968) en Zeno X Gallery in Antwerpen. De publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van zijn recentste solotentoonstelling in de galerie en belicht enkele belangrijke exposities en bijzondere projecten waarvoor Manders in binnen- en buitenland werd uitgenodigd van de jaren negentig tot nu.
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Pélagie Gbaguidi
2022 || Hardcover || Pélagie Gbaguidi || Hannibal Books
Het geëngageerde oeuvre van Pélagie Gbaguidi
In deze publicatie toont Pélagie Gbaguidi (°1965) nieuwe schilderijen, werken met textiel en tekeningen. De kunstenares ziet zichzelf als een hedendaagse ‘griot’, iemand die het individuele geheugen en het voorouderlijke verleden met elkaar verbindt. Haar werk is een lezing van de tekenen en sporen van trauma en gaat de confrontatie aan met koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenissen. Ze hercontextualiseert archieven en verhalen om het proce...
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KMSKA – Topstukken (EN, HARDCOV)
2022 || Hardcover || Patrick de Rynck || Hannibal Books
Exclusive insight into the finest hundred masterpieces from the permanent collection of the renewed KMSKA
The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) has reopened after several years of major renovation. It is home to an especially varied collection of art that runs to more than nine thousand items: paintings, sculptures, assemblages, drawings and prints from the fourteenth to the twenty-first century.
Old Flemish masters like Jan van Eyck, Quinten Massys and Peter Paul Rubens feature along...
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Krasse koppen (Engelse editie)
2023 || Hardcover || Nico van Hout || Hannibal Books
Unique view on the 'tronies' in art from the Netherlands
Our fascination for faces transcends eras and cultures. Turning Heads – Rubens, Rembrandt and Vermeer highlights a remarkable genre in painting to which little attention has so far been paid: tronies or study heads, which were intended first and foremost to depict an emotion or a character trait. Since the model’s identity did not matter, painters could truly go to town with these heads. Tronies were drawn and painted by some of the...
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Jules Schmalzigaug – Futurismo
2024 || Paperback || Hannibal Books
Meet the work of the one and only Belgian futurist
Recent years have seen revived interest in Jules Schmalzigaug (1882–1917). The only Belgian representative of Futurism deserves his place in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, which holds the world’s largest collection of his work. A talented pioneer of the international avant-garde, he also loved the work of Peter Paul Rubens and James Ensor, two other masters whose work is featured in the museum’s collection. Schmalzigaug experime...