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Warship 3: Hr.Ms. Jacob v. Heemskerck

2013 || Paperback || Rindert van Zinderen Bakker || Lanasta

The ships of the Jacob van Heemskerck class of the Royal Netherlands Navy were constructed as specialised air defence frigates. It was a further developement out of the Standard-frigates. Two ships were built. They served for about twenty years in the R.Neth. navy. Since 2005 both are in service as the Almirante Latorre class in the Chilean Navy.

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Warship 10

Type 47b destyroyer Drenthe

2020 || Paperback || Jantinus Mulder e.a. || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar

To counter a growing threat of Soviet submarines and aircraft shortly after WWII, the Royal Netherlands Navy ordered new ships. Classified as ASW destroyer (onderzeebootjager), but so close to contemporary destroyers in terms of specifications. Still suffering from the havoc of war the national industry managed to design and construct these ships in two classes.

Drenthe was of the more capable Type 47B series.

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from Columbus to William Barentsz for the modern sailor

2021 || Paperback || Siebren van der Werf e.a. || Lanasta

Taking the height of the poleFor the sixteenth century navigator this meant finding your latitude. Five centuries ago, to the year, the first nautical handbooks on celestial navigation appeared in print with declination tables written for 1517-1520. They explained how you can find your position taking the height of the sun or the Pole Star. And which course to steer to find your port. These are techniques that have proven their value through the centuries. In this book Siebren van der Werf a...

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Astronavigation (Nieuw)

für den modernen Segler von Kolumbus bis Willem Barentsz

2021 || Paperback || Siebren van der Werf e.a. || Lanasta

Die Polhöhe

Für den Navigator des 16. Jahrhunderts bedeutete die Bestimmung der Polhöhe seinen Breitengrad zu finden. Vor 500 Jahren erschienen erstmals als Druck nautische Handbücher zur astronomischen Navigation mit Deklinationstafeln für die Jahre 1517-1520. Sie erklärten, wie man seine Breite anhand der Höhenmessung von Sonne oder Polarstern ermitteln konnte. So wusste man, welchen Kurs man nehmen musste, um sicher seinen Hafen zu erreichen. Die Techniken haben über Jahrhunderte be...

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Warship 06: HMCS Haida

2014 || Paperback || Rindert Zinderen Bakker || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar

HMCS Haida was a destroyer of the Tribal-class serving in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) from 1943-1963. During World War II, Haida sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship. In the Korean War the ship did two tours of duty.

Nowadays she is the only surviving Tribal-class destroyer out of 27 units that were constructed between 1937-1945 for the Royal Navy, Royal Australian Navy, and the Royal Canadian Navy.

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Warship 12

Guided missile frigate Tromp

2021 || Paperback || Jantinus Mulder e.a. || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar

Both Tromp-class frigates entered service in 1975/76. Their primary task was area air defence. They acted as flagships for the COMNLTG (Commander Netherlands Task Group).

Because of their large radome (wich housed a 3D radar antenna) the ships had the nickname “Kojak” after the bald-headed actor in the famous action crime tv-series.

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Zeevaart en scheepsberging in de 21e eeuw

Meningen van een zeeman

2024 || Paperback || Jan ter Haar || Lanasta

Jan ter Haar schrijft uit 'ergernis' over de 'Ever Given' die was vastgelopen in het Suezkanaal en over de 'Costa Concordia', waarvan de kapitein voor jaren de bak indraaide. In dit boek geeft Jan ter Haar zijn mening over de zeevaart en scheepsberging in de 21ste eeuw.

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Vlaggenschip van Maarten Tromp

2023 || Paperback || Graddy Boven || Lanasta

Wie bekend is met de maritieme geschiedenis van Nederland in de zeventiende

eeuw, weet dat de zeemacht in die periode enige beroemde schepen kende.

Veelal robuuste oorlogsbodems die meerdere zeeslagen doorstonden en

onderdak verleenden aan illustere zeehelden. Een goed voorbeeld daarvan is de

Aemilia, het vlaggenschip van Maarten Tromp. In Aemilia volgt de lezer de

indrukwekkende carrière van dit oorlogsschip: op jacht naar Duinkerker kapers,

tijdens de verovering van de Tweede Spaanse Armad...

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Frigate HMS Leander / 2 / druk 1

2012 || Paperback || Jantinus Mulder || Lanasta

HMS Leander was completed in 1963 as the first and name ship of the Leander Class Improved Type 12 General Purpose Frigates. In 1974 the ship was converted for the Anglo-Austrian rocket propelled anti-submarine weapon; Ikara. The design was the most successful Western frigate of its time and also commemorated in less obvious ways. As being the breed for several international new designs.

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Frigate USS Clark / druk 1

2014 || Paperback || Rindert van Zinderen Bakker || Lanasta || met inkijkexemplaar

USS Clark (FFG-11) was the fifth ship of the Oliver Hazard Perry class of guided-missile frigates.The ships were designed in the United States in the mid-1970s as general-purpose escort vessels inexpensive enough to be bought in large quantities to replace World War II-era destroyers and 1960s-era frigates.Intended to protect convoys, landing forces, supply and replenishment groups.The frigate was ordered from Bath Iron Works on 27 February 1976 as part of the FY76 program, Clark was laid dow...