
2022 (4)
2023 (4)
2024 (2)
SAGE (5)

Resultaten (10)

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met 5% korting 59,85

Gender and Leadership

2023 || Hardcover || Powell || SAGE

A new book from a leading scholar in the field that examines gender and leadership today and explores practical steps organizations can take in order to level the playing field.

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Straight-Line Leadership / Druk 3 (Heruitgave)

2024 || Hardcover || Dusan Djukich || Straight-Line Coaching Europe

Straight-Line Leadership is Dusan Djukich's lang verwachte introductie in de krachtige wereld van Straight-Line Coaching. Hij onthult in dit boek wat er exact nodig is voor een krachtig persoonlijk en zakelijk leven.

Of je nu een CEO, eigenaar van een klein bedrijf, sporter, of iemand bent die een verschil wil maken, je leert krachtige distincties die je onmiddellijk kunt toepassen om uitdagingen op te lossen en nieuwe resultaten te creëren. Daarnaast word je bedreven in het ondersteunen va...

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Fancy Meeting Me Here

all about Core Qualities

2022 || Hardcover || Daniel Ofman || Core Quality International

Daniel Ofman

Fancy Meeting Me Here!

Using Core Quadrants to Discover and Develop Your Core Qualities

Are you aware:

- That by nature we all have core qualities?

- That your core qualities ‘color’ all that you do or see?

- That your core qualities are inspirational to yourself and others?

- That problems are often caused by improper balance of core qualities?

- That you can solve such problems by knowing about your core qualities?

- That the Core Quadrant® instantly illuminates your qua...

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maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 151,05

The SAGE Handbook of Leadership

2023 || Hardcover || Bryman || SAGE

A one-stop reference on the state of leadership, encompassing macro, political, philosophical, psychological and cultural perspectives, with contributions from a 'who's who' of scholars in leadership studies.

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met 5% korting 59,85

Destructive Leadership in the Workplace and its Consequences

Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice

2022 || Hardcover || Vicki Webster e.a. || SAGE

Written by a leading academic in the field of leadership, with a practitioner co-author, this book combines the theory and research from both a business and psychology perspective, with practical applications making it the perfect resource for students, academics and practitioners wanting to understand destructive leadership further.

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met 5% korting 186,20

Project Management

2023 || Hardcover || Clegg || SAGE

With a focus on value creation, the text takes readers through project management from start to finish.

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Face th Future / Druk 2

Leadership Skills for the Next Generation

2022 || Hardcover || Freek Peters || Uitgeverij Stili Novi

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Inner Stance

Distinctions for living a faster, stronger, more effective life.

2024 || Hardcover || Dusan Djukich || Straight-Line Leadership Group B.V.

Inner Stance is geschreven door Dusan Djukich, uitgegeven door Straight-Line Leadership International.

Eindelijk is het zover. Het allereerste Inner Stance boek, geschreven door de legendarische coach Dusan Djukich, is vanaf nu in het Engels verkrijgbaar. Dit boek is bedoeld om de koers van je eigen leven te bepalen. Het heft terug in handen te nemen.

In dit boek zet de auteur diverse distincties uiteen die direct verbonden zijn met prestaties in het leven en het bedrijfsleven. Deze distincti...

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Impeccable Leadership

An inspiring and practical approach to leadership development

2022 || Hardcover || Frits Wilmsen e.a. || Paris Books

Impeccable Leadership ‘An inspiring and practical approach to leadership development’.

Impeccable Leadership is appropriate for modern times, which call for a form of leadership based on connection, creativity and commitment. This practical approach provides leaders with concrete tools that give them insight into what they need to take their teams further in development and performance. Impeccable Leadership offers a step-by-step process for achieving aspirations.

The guiding question is:...

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maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 158,65

Management Decision-Making, Big Data and Analytics

2023 || Hardcover || Gressel || SAGE

An exciting new textbook examining big data and business analytics to look at how they can help managers become more effective decision-makers.