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› Europa Law Publishing (26)
› Uitgeverij Paris B.V. (16)
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Resultaten (139)
dinsdag verzonden
Essentials of EU Law
2017 || Paperback || August Reinisch || Cambridge University Press
Students new to the study of EU law can find knowing what questions to ask to be as much of a challenge as answering them. This book clearly sets the scene: it explores the history and institutions of the EU, examines the interplay of its main bodies in its legislative process and illustrates the role played by the EU Courts and the importance of fundamental rights. The student is also introduced to the key principles of the internal market, in particular the free movement of goods and the fr...
morgen verzonden
De Europese Erfrechtverordening voor het Notariaat
een praktische handleiding
2016 || Paperback || A.M. Steegmans e.a. || Sdu
Op 17 augustus 2015 is de Europese Erfrechtverordening in werking getreden. Een van de doelstellingen van de verordening is om de behandeling van een erfopvolging met grensoverschrijdende gevolgen in de Europese Unie snel, soepel en efficiënt te laten
verlopen. Hiervoor is een Europese Verklaring van Erfrecht in het leven geroepen. Dit is een eenvormige verklaring om de rechten en bevoegdheden van de verschillende betrokken personen (zoals erfgenamen, executeurs, bewindvoerders) aan te tonen....
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Internional Health Law and Ethics
Basic Documents
2019 || Paperback || André Den Exter || Maklu, Uitgever
International Health Law and Ethics. Basic Documents contains a collection of treaty documents and soft law on health care rights and health ethics, used in health law training programs. Regional documents and explanatory reports on health care rights, which are derived from international human rights law, provide a way of "unwrapping" government obligations in health care, making rights more specific, accessible and (judicially) accountable. In addition, soft law declarations and medical e...
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The function of accusation in International Criminal Court
structure of crimes and the role of Prosecutor according to the international criminal jurisprudence
2019 || Paperback || Dimitris Liakopoulos || Maklu, Uitgever
The present survey aims to analyze the issue of the indictment function in the
process before the International Criminal Court which integrates a peculiar
justice system, result of the complex interaction between the juridical tradition
of civil law and the juridical tradition of common law. The prosecution function
is entrusted to a Prosecutor who is conceived as a hybrid figure. It is an organ
that not only performs its functions in the context of a system in which the
principle of opportun...
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Begrensd vertrouwen. Mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering en overlevering / druk 1
preadvies voor de vergadering van de Christen Juristen Vereniging 2009
2014 || Paperback || N. Rozemond || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Dit preadvies behandelt recente rechtspraak van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens en de Hoge Raad over mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering binnen en buiten Europa. Het gaat tevens in op recente ontwikkelingen binnen de Europese Unie op het gebied van overlevering van verdachten en veroordeelden op basis van Europese aanhoudingsbevelen. Het preadvies is kritisch over de tendens in de rechtspraak van het Hof om de mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering en overlevering binnen E...
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Concise introduction to comparative law / druk 1
2012 || Paperback || Michael Bogdan || Europa Law Publishing
In today's globalized world, jurists cannot limit themselves to studying the laws of their own country. This book is mainly intended to be used as a textbook for beginners taking introductory courses on foreign and comparative law. Its concise format makes it fit for use also in other courses, such as legal history or jurisprudence, having the ambition to provide the students with a basic knowledge about English, American, French, German, Chinese and Islamic law and legal culture, as well as ...
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Trafficking in Human Beings / druk 1
A comparative study of the international legal documents
2014 || Paperback || Ana Isabel Pérez Cepeda e.a. || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Trafficking in human beings has become one of the most serious problems of the international community nowadays. Combating this phenomenon in an effective manner requires a comprehensive international approach of all countries.
Being aware of this, several international organisations
have launched a number of documents to fight against this phenomenon. The most representatives ones are the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, suppleme...
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Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law (4th edition)
2019 || Paperback || Michael Bogdan e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
About the book
This concise book, now in its 4th edition, is mainly intended to be used as an introduction to the rules of private international law belonging to the legal system of the European Union. It provides legal practitioners with an overview of this highly complex field of law and can serve as an introductory textbook in elective undergraduate courses and master programs offered today by many law schools both to their own students and to exchange students from other countries. The bo...
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EU private international law: an ECJ casebook / druk 2
2012 || Paperback || Michael Bogdan e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The purpose of this book is to provide an easy access to and overview of the case law of the ECJ (the Court of Justice of the European Union, previously Court of Justice of the European Communities) pertaining to private international law. The book contains edited extracts from all ECJ decisions of immediate private international law relevance made before 1 January 2012.
Most of the cases are important for the interpretation and understanding of the numerous existing European regulations and ...
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Jurisprudentie en documentatie Internationaal publiekrecht
2022 || Paperback || C. Brölmann e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Jurisprudentie en documentatie Internationaal publiekrecht bevat een ruime selectie verdragen, resoluties en commentaren van internationale organisaties en internationale en nationale gerechtelijke uitspraken die zien op de toepassing van het internationaal publiekrecht.
De bundel is samengesteld ten behoeve van het onderwijs in het Internationaal Publiekrecht aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, waar hij wordt gebruikt in combinatie met het boek Kern van...