Resultaten (8)
The Data Science Design Manual / 1st edition
2017 || Hardcover || Professor Steven S. Skiena || Springer || ook als eBook
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. The Data Science Design Manual is a source of practical insights that highlights what really matters in analyzing data, and provides an intuitive understanding of how these core...
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Sterrenkunde voor mensen met haast
2017 || Hardcover || Neil DeGrasse Tyson || AUP || met inkijkexemplaar
Wat is ruimte, wat is tijd? En de mysterieuze donkere materie? Hoe passen wij binnen het universum? Hoe past het universum in ons? Er is geen betere gids voor deze geestverruimende vragen dan Amerika's beroemdste astrofysicus en bestsellerauteur Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Maar tegenwoordig hebben we weinig tijd om over de kosmos na te denken. In Sterrenkunde voor mensen met haast brengt Tyson het universum in hapklare brokken naar de aarde; kort en duidelijk, met sprankelende humor, in twaalf vlot g...
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Understanding Real Analysis / 2nd Edition
2017 || Hardcover || Paul Zorn || Taylor & Francis
This book is a one-semester text for an introduction to real analysis. The author's primary aims are to develop ideas already familiar from elementary calculus in a rigorous manner and to help students deeply understand some basic but crucial mathematical ideas. Meets and aligns with various student backgrounds Pays explicit attention to basic formalities and technical language Contains varied problems and exercises Drives the narrative through questions
Introduction to Probability
2017 || Hardcover || David F. Anderson e.a. || Cambridge University Press
This textbook is an introduction to probability theory with the right balance between mathematical precision, probabilistic intuition, and concrete applications. It is intended for students with a calculus background, as well as for independent learners and readers. The material is covered precisely, while avoiding excessive technical details.
Comprehensive Biomaterials II / 2nd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Elsevier
Comprehensive Biomaterials II, Second Edition, Seven Volume Set brings together the myriad facets of biomaterials into one expertly-written series of edited volumes. Articles address the current status of nearly all biomaterials in the field, their strengths and weaknesses, their future prospects, appropriate analytical methods and testing, device applications and performance, emerging candidate materials as competitors and disruptive technologies, research and development, regulatory managem...
Introduction to Optics / 3th edition
2017 || Hardcover || Frank L. Pedrotti e.a. || Cambridge University Press
A re-issued edition of this well-known optics textbook. Designed for intermediate and upper level undergraduates in physics and engineering, the third edition covers the traditional areas of optics whilst including modern applications.
Modeling Life
The Mathematics of Biological Systems
2017 || Hardcover || Alan Garfinkel e.a. || Springer International Publishing AG
This book develops the mathematical tools essential for students in the life sciences to describe interacting systems and predict their behavior. From predator-prey populations in an ecosystem, to hormone regulation within the body, the natural world abounds in dynamical systems that affect us profoundly. Complex feedback relations and counter-intuitive responses are common in nature; this book develops the quantitative skills needed to explore these interactions.
Differential equations are t...
Applied Biofluid Mechanics
2017 || Hardcover || Lee Waite e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Develop better medical devices using the latest fluid mechanics tools and techniques. This thoroughly revised textbook combines the physiological aspects of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems with cutting-edge fluid mechanics concepts. The book covers all major organ systems and includes detailed illustrations and clinical examples that clearly show the applications of fluid mechanics to biomedical engineering situations. Students will learn to integrate fluid mechanics principles into ...